Have you created your business email? But, don’t know “How to login into Webmail?”
Don’t worry!
Today, we’re gonna discuss how you can easily login to Webmail/Business Email from the Client Area itself.
If ready let’s start with today’s topic.
Steps to login to Webmail from Client Area:
You just need to follow these simple steps one by one as mentioned in this article in order to login into your Webmail.
Alright, let’s start.
STEP 1 – Login to the Client Area
- Go to ShoutCoder.
- Type your Email Address.
- Type your Password.
- Login to your Account.

STEP 2 – Select Your Service
After successful login to your Client Area, follow these:
- Click on SERVICES.

- Select your Active Product/Services.

STEP 3 – Login to Webmail
- Now, click on “Login to Webmail” under Action Tab.
- Or, click on the login to webmail button below the nameservers section.

- You’ll be automatically redirected to your webmail.
- Now, fill up the login credentials of your business email.
- Then, hit submit button.
- That’s it!
If your login details are correct, you can get into your webmail. If you get a password error, change your Webmail password from cPanel then login again.
PRO TIP: You can easily login to your webmail account by visiting yourdomain.com/webmail or webmail.yourdomain.com.
There is also another way to login into your Webmail Account which we’ll discuss next.
Thanks for reading this article. Hope your question regarding how to login to your webmail account from client area is now completely answered.
If you still have any queries then please let us know through the comments.